Have you ever done something major in your life that should never have had a negative impact on anybody, yet for some unexpected reason it causes problems to those you love most – your children?
Everybody who knows Steve and me knows we have a tendency to be unconventional.
(There have been the countless business ideas, the moving to the country and physically
building a kit home, Steve’s refusal to go on the Dole, my refusal to take medication,
let’s face it, the list just goes on.)
However, we’ve never done anything that
has negatively affected our girls – although it is possible that over the years
they may have received the odd strange, side-ways look because of their slightly
kooky parents.
That is until now… and all because of the house-sitting.
Would you believe that because our new adventure doesn’t fit normal lifestyle
choices, our youngest daughter, Alexis, is having huge amounts of difficulty
getting the normal and all-too-familiar Government financial support for her studies?
From what I can understand because Lex is under the official age of independence
(22, she turns 21 next month), doesn’t have a traditional family home to return
to, and possibly because Steve and I, neither have a job, or claim the Dole, is
not eligible for Abstudy!
As if moving out of home and finding your place in the world isn’t hard enough,
without being denied the same financial support that just about every other
student seems to be eligible for?
There are numerous ways of looking at this challenge, but I think to be honest
it all comes down to being unconventional – Steve and I simply don’t fit the printed
forms (and we’ve filled in several)! Therefore we’ve decided to provide as much
proof as we can that we genuinely have no regular home, are full-time house-sitters,
and as such are self-funded retirees constantly moving across Australia.
Could you, if you feel comfortable doing so, please write a comment below confirming any of the above information on us that you believe to be true and, if possible, your name and place in the community (or anything else you think might give your comment more clout). We will then copy this post and comments and attach it to our application.
Could you, if you feel comfortable doing so, please write a comment below confirming any of the above information on us that you believe to be true and, if possible, your name and place in the community (or anything else you think might give your comment more clout). We will then copy this post and comments and attach it to our application.
Steve and I are not asking you to say anything that is untrue, and we know at
this point that this blog doesn’t have many readers, we are just hoping that the
more people who attest to our change in lifestyle, the more chance Lex has of
getting their support and therefore continuing her studies.
The last thing we want is for Lex to suffer for our differences. Like I said
earlier, finding your way in life and becoming an independent adult is hard
enough without any unnecessary and extra hassles.